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Setting Up Appcircle Testing Distribution Action

The Appcircle Testing Distribution action allows users to upload their apps and start distribution to test groups or individuals.

Discover Action

You can discover more about this action and install it by:

Preview of Appcircle Testing Distribution - GitHub Marketplace

How to Add the Appcircle Distribute Task Extension to Your Pipeline

To install the Appcircle Testing Distribution action, add the following step to your pipeline at the end:

- name: Distribute App to Appcircle
id: testing-distribution
uses: appcircleio/appcircle-testing-distribution-githubaction@v0.0.1 # provide the version you want to use
accessToken: ${{ secrets.AC_ACCESS_TOKEN }} # Your Appcircle Access Token
profileID: ${{ secrets.AC_PROFILE_ID }} # ID of your Appcircle Distribution Profile
appPath: ${{ secrets.APP_PATH }} # Path to your iOS .ipa or .xcarchive, or Android APK or App Bundle
message: ${{ secrets.MESSAGE }} # Your Message
Build Steps Order

You should add this task extension after completing your build steps.

Leveraging Environment Variables

Utilize environment variables seamlessly by substituting the parameters with secrets.NAME in your task inputs. The action automatically retrieves values from the specified environment variables within your pipeline.
